Jakarta, Indonesia
Mina Bahari IV Building is a building owned by the Indonesian Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries located in Gambir, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia.
The building envelope design uses 8 mm-thick single glass from Stopsol Supersilver Grey. The simulation result shows that energy consumption intensity for the final design of the Mina Bahari IV is estimated to be around 179.04 kWh/m2, with the elaboration of 14.53% for lighting systems, 48.03% for HVAC systems, 28.20% for electrical loads from electrical equipment in buildings, and 9.23% for other electricity loads such as elevators and water pumps. While the baseline for energy consumption intensity of building is estimated at 209.56 kWh/m2. So, the energy saving obtained for this building is 67.87 kWh/m2 or 31.43%
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