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Jakarta, Indonesia

Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing) building is located in Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta. It is one of the buildings in Jakarta that applies the concept of green building and green site. Apart from being more energy-efficient, green building is also expected to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. The concept of green building is directed at the development of office environments with larger green open spaces (RTH), zero runoff, and restrictions on the circulation of motorized vehicles.

The building envelope design uses 8 mm-thick single glass from Stopsol Supersilver Dark Blue. The simulation result shows that energy consumption intensity for the final design of the Ministry of Public Works Public Housing Building is estimated to be around 140.52 kWh/m2/year, with the elaboration of 22% for lighting systems, 44% for HVAC systems, 20% for electrical loads from electrical equipment in buildings, and 14% for other electricity loads such as elevators and water pumps. While the baseline for energy consumption intensity of building is estimated at 213.04 kWh/m2. So, the energy saving obtained for this building is 72.24 kWh/m2 or 34%

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