We present the depicton of heaven’s beauty like what is told in the Qur’an: "Here is the parable of Paradise which the God-fearing have been promised: in it shall be rivers of incorruptible water, rivers of milk unchanging in taste, and rivers of wine, a delight to those that drink; and rivers of pure honey of all impurity cleansed." (45;17). We transformed the idea by combining and contrasting cool temperature that represents the heaven's river and warm temperature light that represents honey.

The National Palace features a monumental and symmetrical design, highlighted by its 34 towering pillars on the façade. This concept of balance is evident not only in the building's appearance but also throughout the surrounding area, which aligns seamlessly with the design of nearby government offices. Furthermore, the building is engineered to be climate-responsive, minimizing alterations to the site's topography and layout.

The exterior shape resembling the Garuda bird conveys a sense of grandeur and strength. The blades create curves that collectively form enchanting layers. The use of the concept of “Play of Light and Shadow” in the planning of special lighting allows for alternating light movements, creating diverse light formations that can be adjusted for special occasions.

The VS Beauty Parlour project is an interesting new experience for us in designing Artistic Commercial Interior Lighting. It was a renovation project in which designers and owners have a high-end design vision in mind without sacrificing functionality. Choosing versatile earth-tone neutral colours like beige and muted pink, we decided to complement the interior design with accent warm wash lighting, flattering clients’ complexion, and giving a welcoming environment.

Lighting design for the interior mixes the need for the visitor's daily comfort with the overall interior ambiance. It also needs to emphasize interesting points of interior design. The main interior lighting design concept is ‘Enhancing Local Beauty with the Touch of Modernity’ by highlighting the wall and ceiling patterns as well as the materials to create a focal glow.

RGBW light gives the space beneath the roof various light experiences following any event held on the hall

The spread of lights along the sunshades give a natural glow just like the glowing trees among them

Inspired by the charm of natural light in the forest, we brought the concept of balance between the softness and sharpness of light

Lighting encourage the shape of the building by highighting the facade blades on every building corners with a weaving pattern, Weavin the Weaves.

Office building is situated in Kuningan, Jakarta, Indonesia. With the concept of “Growing in Harmony”,

Graha Telkomsigma 2 is the office of Telkomsigma, a subordinate of the Telkom Indonesia Company, located at Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang, Indonesia. Transformation of the building forms was adapted from Telkomsigma's vision, "Becoming the leading Information Communication Technology (ICT) Company in the region." The ICT Solution as a data center network is depicted with horizontal fins on the podium to illustrate that ICT Solutions are the basis of the main services of Telkomsigma. The building

The facial and ambiance rejuvenation at TMII includes the improvement of the pedestrian and gate areas as well as the interior area of the building. Try to create a warm atmosphere in the room by applying warm tone lights, in addition to creating an elegant and warm atmosphere. Warm tone lights are also used to highlight traditional carvings located in the ceiling, column, or wall areas. The combination of materials in the interior area is dominated by wood so it provides a comfortable ambience.

PT Danareksa is an Indonesian state-owned enterprise that operates across sectors. Danareksa mainly operates in the capital market and money market, among others, as a financing company as well as an investment and mutual fund manager. Its office building is located in Jakarta, Indonesia. Due to the building’s essential role to the company, we want to reflect the company’s values in the building lighting design with the concept of “a Light Scarf”.

Building as a catalyst is a concept that has tried to be represented in the facade lighting design of this building. Creating a dynamic facade lighting to represent the Business Center building as a catalyst that can accelerate reaction & innovation through collaborative functions that exist in the building. LED lights create contrast between one material to others, applying RGBW lights to represent the basic colors company to transform the identity of the company into the facade.

Menara BRI Gatot Subroto is an office building situated in Jl Gatot Subroto, Jakarta, Indonesia. The Architectural concept represents a blooming and buds flower that is applied to the crown design of the building.

PGN is located in Jakarta. We offer a gradually fading pattern of light at the facade, top with intense light aimed at the building crown giving it a floating feel. The density of light that focuses on the top of the building represents the growth & development of the company in a positive direction. Random placement of the up-down lights creates a blade effect on the Finns of the facade. The facade pattern is clearly distinctive and adds to the building's character.

Lighting design for office buildings aims to create a strong identity, and the potential to become a landmark in an area. Pegadaian Tower is one of the buildings that have the potential to be a landmark in Jakarta City by transforming the Pegadaian characters into a lighting design on its facades. The lighting design concept is supporting the main concept of the building which is mimicking the shape of a diamond by applying the lights right in the fault of the facade.

ASDP is the accountable company to provide access through public water transportation. As the main function of the company, ASDP office was designed to represent the greatness of sailing ferry. Main concept of the lighting design was ‘As Stand Out As a Ship on the Sea'. The greatness of sailing ferry was depicted by empshasizing the façade design concept from the architect to create a strong accent and making remarkable lines that represents the reflection of a sailing ship on the sea at night.

Indoor Multifunction Stadium is an indoor stadium located in the same area as Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, Senayan, Central Jakarta. Indoor Multifunction Stadium was built to support the 2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup in Indonesia. The building concept itself adopts the philosophy of 'anyaman’, an Indonesian traditional weaving technique as a representation of the gotong-royong spirit to create unity as a form of a strong nation.

The Main Stadium of North Sumatra, located within the North Sumatra Sport Center, was established for the 21st National Sports Week (PON) held across North Sumatra and Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Designed to reflect the values of sportsmanship and local culture, this centrally situated stadium is essential for hosting football matches and a variety of multi-event activities. It serves as a valuable asset for the provincial government and the wider North Sumatra community.

The Agarwood Resort at Salalah, comprises several hospitality buildings tied together with an overall oasis-like ambience: strong water presence and lush landscape of exotic plants.

Lighting design for office mixes the need for office worker’s daily comfort with overall building ambience.

Salalah Grand Mall main concept lighting is to make a unique shopping experience involves attracting, engaging, and converting first time customers into repeat customers with the theme that illustrates Salalah’s landscape.

Pesona Square Depok is a mall situated in Depok, Indonesia, next to a river and surrounded with bamboo trees all around the site.